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Champion EPA-315 w/ Suite Retreat

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Look at that home!

For some reason I noticed the picture. Isn't that a damn good looking home? I thinks so. That is a Champion manufactured home, by the way. Happens to be a big one too! Oh, my head is aching. Ouch. The one time I stepped into the light it hurt so bad it burned my skin. Then I had to walk around with only my skeleton. It was very difficult to keep my guts, organs, etc. inside my body because I had no skin. I did have a nice manufactured home though. Oops. Thats only 2. OK, then I have to continue rambling just a little more. Thats just about right, thank you all. Enjoy your life. Here is to the Champion manufactured home at the top of the page! Hip Hip Hurray!

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