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Champion EPA-315 w/ Suite Retreat

Monday, March 31, 2008


Why not? Lets go with it. Love the lyrics to 2112. I'm going to see how far I can go on pure memory. I'll be honest if I can't remember... If that happens, I'll have to use some reference...

I know its most unusual to come before you so
But I've found an ancient miracle, I thought that you should know

Listen to my music
Hear what it can do
There's something here thats as large as life
I know that it will reach you


I can't believe your saying
These things just can't be true
Our world could use this beauty
Just think what we might do

Listen to my music
Hear what it can do
There's something here thats as large as life
I know that it will reach you...


You know what, I'm not sure I have this right. Damn! I'll have to check against a real source. I'll have the results on that tomorrow. For now, I haven't thrown in anything relevant to blogging about manufactured homes, so I better do that now. Enter the Arizona manufactured home. Come on down to Black Hawk Homes and purchase you brand new manufactured home!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound. Its got wires that vibrate and give music. What can this thing be that I've found?

Is it a mobile home? A manufacuted home? Modular home maybe? No? Dang.

See how it soothes like a sad heart and joyously screams out its pain. Sounds that build high like a mountain of notes that fall, gently like rain.

Let it rain down mobile homes! Arizona manufactured and modular homes.

I can't wait to share this new wonder. The people will all see its like. Let them all make their own music. The priests praise my name on this night!

Praise mobile homes! Again, sorry Rush fans. Just having some more fun. By the way, I'm writing those lyrics by memory, so if they aren't exactly right, thats why. I think its correct...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Rush 2112 continued...

Enough of the analyzing. Today I just want to say 2112 rules. The music endures forever. Thank you Neil, Alex, and Geddy. You are the best rock band ever! Black Hawk Homes is the best manufactured home dealer ever! How about that?! And the meek shall inherit the earth...

We've taken care of everything-
the words you read, the songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure to your eye

Its one for all and all for one-
we work together common sons
Never need to wonder how or why

We are the priests of the Temples of Syrinx!

We are the manufactured homes of the Temples of Syrinx.
(Sorry, Rush fans- just having fun)(they probably think its sacrilege)
Our great computers fill the hallowed halls
We are the priests of the Temples of Syrinx!
All the gifts of life are held within our (manufactured homes') walls
(ha ha ha- sorry again!)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The Suns lost by the way... Rush 2112! Oh man, we might have to spend several days on this album. The year was 1976 and Rush was making it big- this album, many believe (and so do I) was their breakout record. A futuristic concept album, 2112 is brilliant from start to finish. Paraphrasing Side A (2112) tells the story of a guy who finds an ancient instument ( a guitar) and tries to take it to the powers that be (the priests/Solar Federation) and they, of course, bitterly reject him and his 'ancient miracle'. In the end, the guy is so beaten- he dies. Well, thats the really short version anyway...

Hold on a moment... manufactured homes arizona, mobile home, modular homes... There.

The music, the lyrics, the tension on this album is out of this world! Arguably one of the best rock albums in history, I think. Lots of variety in the songs too. Hard driving and intricate parts flow back and forth with quiet acoustic chillness. Every time I listen to it (and I have thousands of times), I get the chills. The B side is totally awesome too- great departure from Side A. All of those songs are like precious gems to Rush fans. Yes, even 'Tears'...

I gotta go, man. We'll pick up with some more about 2112 tomorrow. Too much to cover in one day, and I have a lot more blogging ahead of me today. Let me give you a couple key words to go: manufactured homes, mobile homes, modular homes, Black Hawk Homes of Arizona!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Time Stand Still!

Hold Your Fire! No, I didn't skip a bunch of records... I'm saying hold on, man. There is a Suns game on right now, and I'm missing it! So, I gotta blog this out, and I mean quick! Sorry...

Champion manufactured homes
Redman manufactured homes
Fleetwood manufactured homes

There's our 3 builders. Actually, its 2. Champion/Redman are the same. Bye. Go Suns!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

google loves Rush

I was amazed yesterday to find that Google crawled this blog and had it up as a link for Black Hawk! That is exactly what I need to happen- thank you! Weird thing is, it wasn't on the list of links today. What happened? Idunno. Hope it shows back up... Anyway, lets get down to business. Right after I throw out a few key words for us- manufactured homes in Arizona. Arizona mobile homes. Black Hawk Homes, king of modular homes in Arizona! OK, thats good. Now, Carress of Steel! Probably the most amazing thing about this album is that it was released just 7 months after Fly By Night! Unbelievable! On this record, the trio went berzerk with the long, multi-part song thing. They continued this trend on the next several albums including 2112, A Farewell to Kings, Hemispheres, and a little bit on Permanent Waves (Natural Science). Carress of Steel technically only has 5 songs. The Necromancer is 12:30 long and The Fountain of Lamneth is a whopping 19:59- the entire B side of the record! Hold on again... Black Hawk Homes. Manufactured Homes. Modular homes. Mobile homes Arizona. Like every Rush album- I love it! Carress of Steel's opening track, Bastille Day, to this day is one of my all time fave 1st tracks. Who can mistake the opening riff to that one! Alex is a god! Second song- I think I'm Going Bald is the first glimpse of Rush's humorous side. We all know them as the thinking man's band, but as many of us fans know- they all have a good sense of humor too! Oh man- this post is getting long. I think I'll finish off commenting on C.O.S. tomorrow. But before I go- I'm going to have to hit ya up with............ Manufactured homes in Arizona! or Mobile Homes, modular homes, or maybe even factory constructed homes. Yeah, boy....

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fly by Night away from here- Black Hawk!

Yeah, man! This is the blog that I've been waiting for. By the way, sorry for no posts yesterday. It was one of those days where I woke up mad. Then, I stayed mad all day long. It wasn't until night time that I finally eased up. Dang. Must be my mid-life crisis... All right. Hey- Fly By Night! 1975, baby! I was 5 or 6 years old when this album came out. Not yet a Rush fan... Probably not aware of music at all really. Hmmm.. hang on. Black Hawk homes offers the best mobile, manufactured, and modular homes that money can buy! OK, Rush's 2nd album (1st with Neil) captures the youth and vigor of the trio. Right out of the gate, the 1st few tracks are blistering! Anthem is a song I can identify with no matter what stage of life I'm in. I've always been an independent sort, so this song drives it home for me. Alex's guitar riffs slay, Geddy's shrieking voice imbedded in my soul, and Neil's drumming.... well, you know. He's the best! Speaking of the best- did you know the Black Hawk Homes is the #1 retailer of manufactured homes in Arizona? Now you do... Cool thing also about FBN, is there is a real mellow side. Rivendell might be the most low-key song ever written by Rush. Making Memories and In the End are enduring awesome tunes. You know, FBN is sort of a tale of two albums, the first tracks are fairly aggressive, culminating with By-Tor. Then, the B-side flips over into mellower, more melodic, and acoustic type songs. Overall, awesome. What an effort by those guys in their young days! Dang... All right- here's the last one. Black Hawk Homes manufactured homes- if Geddy, Alex, and Neil bought one, you would too!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tobes of Hades

Tobes of Hades lit by flickering torch light! By-Tor and the Snow Dog definitely one of the all time great tracks. To me, best on Fly By Night album. Even though I love every single song on that record, By-Tor stands out for some reason. I decided to mix in some fun with these blogs. Its killing me to only talk about mobile homes or manufactured homes. (got in key word there) One of my favorite topics would most certainly be RUSH! Here's a good idea for blogging... We'll go through every album chronologically. I can discuss fave tunes, the album, the time period- everything! Meanwhile, I will have to throw in an occasional Arizona manufactured homes line. Or possibly a nice plug for the company- Black Hawk Homes! We rule! That sounds great. Now, I'm excited. When you're on a blogging mission like I am, its hard to keep it fun & fresh. Thats it, then. Beautiful! I'm going to default to Fly By Night, the 1st album with Neil to start. No disrespect to the 1st Rush album- it was good. But John Rutsey is no Neil Peart. Rush IS Lee, Lifeson, and Peart. So, with that- Fly by Night will be 1st. One more thing before I go- mobile homes in Arizona. Black Hawk Homes is the #1 source for manufactured and modular homes in Arizona.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Prince By-Tor appears

Unless you're a RUSH fan, you have no idea what this means... I am a RUSH fan, I do know the meaning, but unfortunately this won't be a blog about Rush. I always love to use the phrase, 'enter the champion'. I love it because now it has a double meaning. Meaning #1 is By-Tor and the Snow Dog. Meaning #2 is Champion Homes. Champion is one of our main builders. I like to use the play on words to advertise our homes. Black Hawk Homes is our name. Selling manufactured homes is our game. We are #1 in Arizona! You'll soon know why if you don't already! This blog can be my RUSH forum as well. There's plenty of room for both my favorite band and my job. So, here's the key word I'm supposed to keep using- manufactured homes. More specifically Arizona manufactured homes. Or modular homes. Or mobile homes. All Arizona. All good. Stay tuned...