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Champion EPA-315 w/ Suite Retreat

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fly by Night away from here- Black Hawk!

Yeah, man! This is the blog that I've been waiting for. By the way, sorry for no posts yesterday. It was one of those days where I woke up mad. Then, I stayed mad all day long. It wasn't until night time that I finally eased up. Dang. Must be my mid-life crisis... All right. Hey- Fly By Night! 1975, baby! I was 5 or 6 years old when this album came out. Not yet a Rush fan... Probably not aware of music at all really. Hmmm.. hang on. Black Hawk homes offers the best mobile, manufactured, and modular homes that money can buy! OK, Rush's 2nd album (1st with Neil) captures the youth and vigor of the trio. Right out of the gate, the 1st few tracks are blistering! Anthem is a song I can identify with no matter what stage of life I'm in. I've always been an independent sort, so this song drives it home for me. Alex's guitar riffs slay, Geddy's shrieking voice imbedded in my soul, and Neil's drumming.... well, you know. He's the best! Speaking of the best- did you know the Black Hawk Homes is the #1 retailer of manufactured homes in Arizona? Now you do... Cool thing also about FBN, is there is a real mellow side. Rivendell might be the most low-key song ever written by Rush. Making Memories and In the End are enduring awesome tunes. You know, FBN is sort of a tale of two albums, the first tracks are fairly aggressive, culminating with By-Tor. Then, the B-side flips over into mellower, more melodic, and acoustic type songs. Overall, awesome. What an effort by those guys in their young days! Dang... All right- here's the last one. Black Hawk Homes manufactured homes- if Geddy, Alex, and Neil bought one, you would too!

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